What's reform ofii Haile Selassie

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  1. Reform of lij iyasu

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  2. As an AI language model, I don't have personal opinions or beliefs. However, I can provide information on the reforms implemented by Haile Selassie during his reign as emperor of Ethiopia. Haile Selassie introduced various modernizing reforms to Ethiopia during his reign, including:

    1. Education: Haile Selassie worked to improve education by building new schools and universities, and encouraging literacy across the country.

    2. Political Reforms: Haile Selassie implemented changes in the government structure and introduced a new constitution, which granted the people more rights.

    3. Infrastructure: He worked to improve infrastructure, including the construction of roads, bridges, and public facilities.

    4. Agriculture: Haile Selassie led agricultural reforms to boost crop yields, prevent famine, and improve the standard of living for Ethiopians.

    5. International Relations: He established diplomatic relations with other countries across the globe and signed agreements to foster international cooperation.

    These reforms played a significant role in modernizing Ethiopia and transforming it from a feudal society into a more modern nation.

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